We hold a five-star food hygiene rating for our Meals on Wheels service.
We fully comply with Safer Foods Better Hygiene regulations required by Environmental Health and are inspected regularly.
As part of our strict food safety processes, our team members carry out a number of daily monitoring checks. These are documented checks, such as fridge and freezer, and cooked food temperature checks. Our team members receive training so that they understand the importance of these checks. They have also been trained as to what action they are required to take if the reading falls outside the acceptable limits of the check. These checks are also audited regularly to ensure we operate at the highest standards.
We buy high-quality frozen meals from our supplier, apetito. These meals are stored frozen and regenerated at our main base and then held in hot boxes during transport to our customers.
Customers also have the opportunity to order tea time meals. We produce chilled sandwiches packaged fresh every day from our own kitchens using locally bought produce. The chilled products are held in cold boxes during transport to customers.
On a smaller scale hot lunches are served at the Curzon Day Centre. The meals served are the same apetito meals used for other customers, but simply regenerated and served at the centre.